Accepted Proposals
These are proposals that have been voted on and have been accepted by stewards.
Akkoma setup guide
Note: This guide is currently a work in progress. These instructions may not be complete, and are subject to change. Welcome t...
Basic Information about the Website League
Important documents and common questions on the capabilities and limitations of the League and the Websites that it is made of.
Best practices for moderation
A comprehensive write-up of existing peer reviewed research on moderation and communities for node staff. This covers important...
Frequently Asked Questions: Node Operation
Basic questions, answers, and guidelines on what's expected of node staff.
GoToSocial setup guide
Note: This guide is currently a work in progress. These instructions may not be complete, and are subject to change. Welcome t...
How to use Akkoma
This is a mirror of the Akkoma-fe user guide. This guide was not written by the Website League, and has some information that i...
How to use GoToSocial
Tips on how to get started with and use GoToSocial, one of the servers which powers some of Website League's nodes
Information on our GoToSocial fork/patchset
Instance operator legal obligations (US)
Known Issues
Some unique issues, challenges, and technical limitations that have been identified regarding the specific software and the way...
League Rules
The full text of the documents governing Website League instances and Steward behavior.
Nodes of the Website League
Looking to find a node? Curious which nodes exist, and which are actively accepting members? Look here.
Other League Resources
Information on the other resources the League uses and makes available.
Other Useful Software
Information on Website League-related projects that a node operator may want(or may be required to have) on hand.
Quick Links
A list of links to other WL resources, as well as other important information or services you may want to use.
Rejected Proposals
Proposals that were brought before the League but were not approved.
Reporting Issues
Have a problem with something? Or someone? Find a bug, but not like a cool one, like a glitch in the League somewhere? Here's w...