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Miscellenous Procedures

There are certain things you may want to do with your Akkoma install after the fact - for example, if you originally set up your instance to pull configuration from the config file, and you later wish to instead pull it from the database. This page is to guide you through such procedures.

Running Commands

Note that for any mix command you run, you will want to run it as the akkoma user, and you will want to add "MIX_ENV=prod" to the beginning.

If you installed Elixir and Erlang with asdf, you will need to go into a shell as the Akkoma user, navigate to the install directory, and run the command that way:

sudo su -l akkoma -s $SHELL
cd /opt/akkoma
MIX_ENV=prod mix <the mix command here>

If you installed Elixir and Erlang through your distro, you still need to navigate to the install directory, but you can use sudo instead:

cd /opt/akkoma/
sudo -Hu akkoma MIX_ENV=prod mix your_command_here