Recently Updated Pages
Interoperability issues
Who amongst us hasn't broken notifications between two instances, really?
GoToSocial known issues
If you unfollow/block someone and it doesn't seem to take immediately, restart the service; it's ...
Technical Issues
Posting machine broke?
Moderation Issues
Muffinlord please stop suggesting we solve all disputes via "the cage"
Basic League Information
Code of Conduct All sites in the League agree to be governed overall by the League Code of Condu...
Vision Statement
This page will hold the League's vision statement.
Code of Conduct (abridged)
This page will hold the abridged version of our Code of Conduct. The full text will be available ...
Quick reference links
Steward procedures Includes: Steward expectations Principles of the decision-making proc...
Steward Procedures
(Drafted by Alyaza, minor edits by Tenna) Steward Expectations Some time available to at leas...
How to set up votes on Loomio
Go to Loomio. Click 'Decisions' Click 'New Decision' Choose from the available templ...
Vote categories
Note: these categories are currently provisional. source: Website League notes Endorse: Unres...
Hierarchy and Stewardship Information
Generally, the League operates as close to a flat structure as it can be. While it's unlikely tha...
this one's a placeholder
go check out Consensus, it's where we're running things
Defining the Website League's Stewards
Stewards The Website League's stewards will deliberate on proposals presented, and make the fina...
[Temporary] Bootstrapping Coming to Agreements
This proposal is explicitly temporary, and will be replaced in the future with a more permanent p...
Installing Akkoma
This install can get a little messy, and this guide should still be considered in a "beta" state....
Installing GoToSocial
This page makes the following assumptions: You have a running VPS, prepared according to the i...
Planning a Node
Decisions The two big things you can't change about your node once you've started it is your dom...
Planning a Node
Decisions The two big things you can't change about your node once you've started it is your dom...
draft structure doc
The Website League's structure and operational overview(i guess, this got away from me) todo: bre...