Recently Updated Pages
GoToSocial frontends
Here are some of your frontend options for using a GoToSocial node. This isn't an exhaustive list...
Current patches
These are the current patches applied to our patches branch: patch: add fork notice to README ...
Our fork Gitlab repo
Fork information Our fork of GoToSocial is available at
Users: follow, mute, block
(original source) When you see someone, you can click on their user picture to view their profil...
(original source) You have several timelines to browse trough Timeline aka Home Timeline - th...
(original source) On the top-right you will see a gear icon. Click it to open the settings. Gen...
Posting, reading, basic functions.
(original source) !!! warning Depending on your instance some of the options might not be availa...
General overview
(original source) Be prepared for breaking changes, unexpected behavior and this user guide be...
Node Requirements
These are the requirements for a Node to be added to the Website League. Fulfillment of these req...
Posting with Phanpy
Phanpy is one of the options for a frontend to use with GoToSocial. To get started, open https:/...
Setting up your profile
To access your settings, you'll need to go to the address bar of your web browser and enter: nod...
Accounts on Website League have the form "@username@node.domain". username is the name of your ac...
Quick Reference for common admin tasks
Some administrative actions currently require using the gotosocial CLI and aren't available in th...
Miscellenous Procedures
There are certain things you may want to do with your Akkoma install after the fact - for example...
Preparing Your VPS
This page makes the following assumptions: You have a running VPS. You have a domain name tha...
Preparing Your VPS
This page makes the following assumptions: You have a running VPS. You have a domain name tha...
Setting Up your Domain Name
This page assumes you have, at a minimum, the following: A domain name you wish to use A VPS ...
Setting Up your Domain Name
This page assumes you have, at a minimum, the following: A domain name you wish to use A VPS ...
table test
Owner (discord) Domain Exists? Admin/Main user Signups? Software Notes cyclar2 ...